Does Sweet Choass have a valid license? - Yes, we are legally able to sell Freeze-dried Fruit, Veggies and Dairy products. We have a commercial kitchen space and carry a business license as well as a Food Manufacturer.
How is you product different from others I have seen - We pride ourselves on quality of our product as well as the amount in each bag. Many brands may be cheaper, but be sure you aren't overlooking the actual amount you are being receiving. Packaging can be deceiving.
What if I have a "food allergy"? Your health is more important to us than an order, so if you have any type of food allergy (nuts, dairy, etc) we recommend that you play it safe and do not place an order. Unfortunately, we do not control how the products are manufactured in their original form as some products may be processed in facilities that process nuts and dairy. If you decide to place an order and have a food allergy, Sweet Chaoss cannot be held responsible .
Does Sweet Choass offer private labeling or white labeling? Yes see our special events page, or wholesale page
Why are freeze-dried products so expensive? There's a lot of factors that go into this, like the cost of machinery, labor, operating expenses, material, and the actual raw product. We've been doing this for over a few years and our prices are comparable to 99% of our competitors.... not to mention the size of our bags are much larger than most!
Can I find Sweet Chaoss brand in any big box stores? NO - We pride ourselves on having the freshest product around if we made our product available through these channels, not only will quality control be taken away from us. I have had many tell me, I dont like freeze dried candy because it is too hard (they had only bought from big box stores). After trying ours, they changed their minds and now love Freeze-dried candy
We are always welcome to suggestions of items you would like to see from Sweet Choass, because everyone needs a little Chaoss in their lives.